The Regional Roma Educational Youth Association together with the partner organisations EgyüttHató Egyesület / Co-Efficiency Association – Hungary and Asociatia Nevo Parudimos – Romania, from 25th 27th September 2023 in Resita, Romania held the second transnational meeting under the KA2 AVAS KHETANE strategic partnership project.

At the meeting, Elemér Szentpétery (Együttható) – started the discussion, presenting Where we are with the implementation – project schedule, completed elements, review of the pilots, documentation, presentation of the final structure and review of the management plan, state of reporting and transfers.

Urmeta Arifovska (RROMA) – continued the discussion by reviewing and informing about the progress of the procedure with QA and dissemination process, report and planning, TPM in Macedonia.
Laura Turcu and Grebeldinger Daniel (Együttható) – close the discussion explaining the process of Dissemination events – planning and brainstorming.