The Regional Roma Educational Youth Association (RROMA) is contracting an external trainer to deliver individual capacity building session for the partner organizations involved in the project ”New solutions to old problems – exchange of new types of approaches in the field of Roma integration”, in the following areas:
Project management:
- Project planning
- Project execution
- Project control
Organizational management:
- Operational management
- Financial management
- Human Resource management
The Regional Roma Educational Youth Association is an independent youth organization, active in the Republic of Macedonia. Launched as a network on 15 December 2007, RROMA focuses on youth empowerment and mobilization through creativity, training and campaigns. Our mission is that RROMA as an information-educational center for support of the youth from the Republic of Macedonia works on affirmation and promotion of the opportunities for personal development and integration, and on the promotion of the active citizenship and self-involvement in the creation of youth policies.
Role of the trainer
Through the ”New solutions to old problems – exchange of new types of approaches in the field of Roma integration” project, funded by Iceland, Liechtenstein, and Norway through the EEA and Norway Grants Fund for Regional Cooperation, RROMA is contracting an external trainer. The trainer will conduct capacity building sessions with our partner organizations. The trainings are to be delivered in the English language.
The trainer is expected to help the civil society organizations to improve their capacities in the selected areas by them, to promote positive values for other organizations in the field and also to support others with their expertise. The trainings are to support the organizations in their structures and their daily work.
From RROMA the expert will receive support and information on the needs of the different partner organizations. He/she will also be consulted on facilitating sessions with our partners.
In addition to the training sessions in each of the countries, the expert will be expected to deliver a full report of the training and to map the strengths and weaknesses of the organizations. Together with the partner organizations, the expert will develop a system to keep a record of their improvement.
The training will be conducted throughout June 2022 – February 2023, with the final report expected for March 2023.
Profile of the consultant*
- Excellent training skills
- Excellent writing skills and ability to design and deliver training sessions, modules, and toolkits for CSOs
- Experience working with civil society organizations in the fields of project management, organizational management, capacity-building, and network building
- Ability to work independently
- Be able to travel and visit partner organizations in: Albania, Bulgaria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Czech Republic, Hungary, Lithuania, Romania, Slovakia, Turkey
- Working language is English
As the partner organizations are coming from Albania, Bulgaria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Czech Republic, Hungary, Lithuania, Romania, Slovakia, Turkey – abilities or language skills are desirable, but not a must!
*The consultant can be an individual, institution, or organization
Contract and budget
The independent consultant will be subcontracted by RROMA and has no rights vis-à-vis the EEA and Norway Grants for Regional Cooperation. He / She reports to RROMA.
The trainer will be renumerated with 3000 €, VAT included in this amount.
All costs (such as travel and accommodation of the trainer) related to the country visits will be covered by RROMA through the project.
The applicants should submit:
- An updated CV
- And a motivation letter
The application package should be submitted by 13 June 2022 to with the subject – “NSOP – Capacity-building of civil society organizations”
The project “New solutions to old problems – exchange of new type of approaches in the field of Roma integration” is funded by Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway through the EEA and Norway Grants Fund for Regional Cooperation