The Regional Roma Educational Youth Association together with the partner organisations EgyüttHató Egyesület / Co-Efficiency Association – Hungary and Asociatia Nevo Parudimos – Romania, from 16 to 17 May 2022. in Gyöngyös, Hungary held the first transnational meeting under the KA2 AVAS KHETANE strategic partnership project.
The first day of activities took place at the EgyüttHató Egyesület / Co-Efficiency Association
Melinda Nagy (Együttható) made a presentation of procedures at Hatáspont Tanoda; common ground on intellectual output 1. Agreement on recruitment process and profile for pilot phase starting in September. Éva Farkas (Együttható) introduced the keynote on mentoring handbook for school mentors, followed by brainstorming on its role and content. Elemér Szentpétery (Együttható) – review of the management plan, state of contracting and transfer and Dissemination Strategy.
The second day of the activities took place at the School Egressy Béni Általános.
Oroszi Hajnalka (Egressy) – presented the procedures at the school regarding ESL, Balázs Nemesnyik(Együttható) – Reporting, monitoring and finance procedures.